Frédéric Tougas

Frédéric Tougas
Frédéric Tougas is a self-taught photographer from Montreal, Canada. "My latest work seeks to invite viewers to reflect upon the human experience through sensitive in situ observations. My approach to the medium is particularly introspective, translating into intimate photographs in which I raise existential questions about our interactions with the environment. I want to create a visual document about the resulting aesthetics of these natural, modified, or created environments and the way societies and their constructs fit into these spaces," states Tougas.
We fell in love with his natural, dreamy landscapes. The subject matter, especially his Études Topographiques series, allows the viewer to escape to dramatic, high altitude landscapes and beautiful vistas. The images in the series were captured on his Hasselblad 500CM in black and white. Tougas use of dark and light adds to the awe and wonder of each grainy, analog image.